Caption competition

Via urban 75, a caption competition for you all. Suggestions in the comments...prize for the winner, who will get a post, with links, extolling their keen intelligence and incisive humour.
ALSO...Please vote for Jon & Brian on to be listener-editor's on R4 Today on 1/106!
(Today is the last day of voting. My mum will be thrilled if they win.)
And the winner is... ( drum roll)... Rosalind, with
''Yes, thank you, Camilla would love a complimentary shirt. Size? Well, she's about... er... um... "
I am thrilled Rosalind won, because her site is beautiful. Gorgeous photos ( which clearly display her keen intelligence and incisive humour) and as she has only just started blogging by the looks of things, it's a great time to go over and oooh and aaah at her eye for beauty. Look! A lovely red study of autumn leaves here and a green study of leaves here. Bonfire night fireworks. A well-endowed made-man and a lazy duck. Great stuff Rosalind. More please!
my effort
'...and that was how I could tell them apart, in the dark.'
"Yes, thank you, Camilla would love a complimentary shirt. Size? Well, she's about... er... um... "
'...and Mummy said that wasn't an appropriate way to pick a wife!'
Charles: I was walking through the jungle and suddenly a tiger jumped out at me and went RRRRAAAAWWWRRRR! I shat my pants."
Alan: "Well anyone in that situation would do the same thing."
Charles: "No I mean I shat my pants when I went 'raawr'."
"then she slipped off her negligee and they appeared before me. they were magnificent. i couldn't believe my eyes. and then the Queen walked in unannounced. that was an awkward moment. she seemed as impressed as i was."
"I feel like I'm, er, losing my grip on, er, reality, er, I need to talk to some plants..."
I know it's late but I can't resist:
Charles: 'Whay ay man, look at the jugs on that there lass. I'd like t' get me 'ands on those beauties.'
Alan: 'You'll never be the 'People's Prince', man, so quit while you're ahead.'
Justin said...
Charles: I was walking through the jungle and suddenly a tiger jumped out at me and went RRRRAAAAWWWRRRR! I shat my pants."
Alan: "Well anyone in that situation would do the same thing."
Charles: "No I mean I shat my pants when I went 'raawr'."
November 09, 2006 2:30 PM
Gosh how exciting to win! lol thank you very much for your comments about my site and my entry caption. It was such a good idea to do a caption comp. Might do one myself soon so watch that space! Yes I am new to blogging and finding it great fun. Love your blog Rachel, your accounts are very moving. Wish you all the best, and thanks again! Rosalind (or Lynn as I'm known).